Nothing happens quickly.
Response time from queried agents varies dramatically.
Querytracker has become a very useful tool in the entire process. It gives me valuable insight on other writer's experiences with agents.
The "Comments" section has been sooooo helpful. It is really awesome to be able to see an agent's stats with a click of a button. To see an agent's response to other queries and to recognize the similarities and the differences to their responses compared to mine.
It's nice to learn that one agent takes months to respond to a query or that another still hasn't responded to a partial that she has had longer than mine.
On occasion I have emailed various querytracker members and each time I have only had very honest and helpful responses.
There is a camaraderie among the querytracker users, all these people I've never met and know so little about--because let's face it we're all in the same boat. We're all paddling with purpose and determination, hoping for a glimpse of the shore.
QT has also been a great help. I've found all my close online crit partners there! Good luck with your agent search!